Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP)
PREP is the first federal funding stream for programs that teach about contraception for the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
PREP-funded programs must cover at least two adult preparation subjects, such as healthy relationships, adolescent development, financial literacy, educational and career success, and healthy life skills. PREP is available in the following counties: Alachua, Brevard, Levy, Marion, Orange, and Union. Participants may be self-referred or referred by other agencies. The program is funded by Administration for Children and Families, Family Youth Services Bureau (FYSB).

PREP utilizes the evidenced based curriculum, Promoting Health Among Teens: Comprehensive (PHAT) which build skills to prevent pregnancy, HIV and STDs. PHAT includes 16 well-defined lessons which clearly emphasize teaching refusal statements, delay statements and alternative actions students can use to avoid unprotected sex. The lessons are designed for 45-minute period.
PREP focuses on three adult preparation subjects:
Healthy Relationships
UFCC implements lessons that show how relationships develop, effective ways to communicate, awareness of destructive patterns, managing feelings, and other essential skills. The course emphasizes self-awareness, personal growth, self-regulation of emotions and interpersonal success.
Parent-Child Communication
UFCC teaches evidence-based parenting skills, children’s social skills, and family life skills in a program specifically designed for high-risk families. Parents and children participate, both separately and together.
Healthy Life Skills
UFCC utilizes a comprehensive and exciting program to provide adolescents and young teens with the confidence and skills necessary to successfully handle challenging situations. The sessions focus on general social skills and drug resistance skills.